#19: Ibrahim Ramzy – Calisthenics, Cultivating Discipline, Building Your Foundation, Finding Your North Star, and Living with Intention

Episode 19 — Ibrahim Ramzy (@ibrahim_ramzyy) joins James Xander (@emperorjames) on The James Xander Trip, for a fantastic conversation about discipline, purpose, persistence, fitness, his journey with calisthenics, the importance of following your North Star, his journaling practice, how he uses daily intentions, and much more.

I deeply enjoyed this conversation. Thanks so much to Ibrahim for joining me on this episode, and sharing your passion around calisthenics, purpose, and personal growth!

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Authors & concepts mentioned in this episode:

• Jim Rohn
• Abraham-Hicks
• Vadim Zeland (Reality Transurfing)
• James Altucher's 10 ideas a day method
• Ryan Holiday's premortem technique 

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Creators and Guests

James Xander
James Xander
On a mission to unite humanity through plant medicine • Podcast @jamesxandertrip ✨🚀 Pursue your highest destiny.
#19: Ibrahim Ramzy – Calisthenics, Cultivating Discipline, Building Your Foundation, Finding Your North Star, and Living with Intention
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